Possible story idea? WIP??

Fall was upon the city of Pecan Hollow, a small city somewhere between Dallas and Houston. The temperature was the perfect degree, not too hot, but not cold either. The leaves were starting to shift into their fall colors, decorating the trees with lovely hues of red, orange, and yellow. And for one young woman, this was going to be a good day for her. That is, until her sleep was interrupted by a loud yell from downstairs.
“Fiona! Get yer butt in gear! We gotta go into town and get the fall stuff!” The woman groaned, slowly waking up. She rubbed her eyes, blinking away the sleepiness. Pushing the covers off, she slowly shuffled to the bathroom, then returning to her room to get dressed. A small chittering noise was heard, and she looked down to find her pet armadillo, Frank, sniffing at her leg, bumping his head against her.
“Heh, morning to you too, buddy.” She smiled, giving the critter a small pat on the head. The scaled animal wagged its small tail at her, before running over and going to find his bowl of food. Yes, she did have a pet armadillo. But she had taken care of him for years, and he seemed to behave and act like any other pet might. As she finished putting on her pants, she glanced at herself in the mirror, fixing her hair slightly. She grabbed her hat from the hook, and headed out and down the stairs. Her mother was in the kitchen cooking breakfast. Fiona grabbed a piece of toast and began to spread some peanut butter on it.
“Morning mom.” She said, scooping some eggs onto her plate, and grabbing a couple of bacon strips too.
“Morning dear. Your father is loading up the truck for the errands. He said you offered to help out with the shopping.”
“Yeah, I know. I heard him earlier.” A low chittering sound made her jump slightly, as Frank was sitting by her chair, looking up her. “No Frank, you can’t have any. I put food in your bowl.” The armadillo seemed to grumble, but continued to look at her, expecting a treat. “You’re such a mooch. Besides, I can’t give you this stuff, it’s not meant for ‘dillos.” She tapped the critter on his nose, making him scoot away and shuffle back over to his food bowl. Fiona soon finished her breakfast, and stood up, wiping her face with the napkin.
“Alright, I’m heading out.”
“Have fun. And be careful. I heard there were a couple of accidents over the last few days due to distracted drivers. And I’d rather not have come get you if you go into a ditch or something.”
“Don’t worry mom, we’ll be careful. Shouldn’t be out for too long anyway, if things go well.”

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