Been super busy…

So I haven’t been able to do much writing on this as I hoped. Between working up to 40 hours per work week at my job, and doing art commissions in between, I’ve been super exhausted. Not too much has really happened though. Been to a few concerts, bf finished his teaching for the spring semester, and is preparing to do a couple of summer classes. Adulting is hard, lol.
I will say though, I’m getting a little better at budgeting. Now that I have a decent income, I can put stuff away to save…or so I think. Driving 20 miles to and from work most days really uses up the gas, so I’ve had to fill up more often than I’d like.
Also, it’s been kind of a major emotional rollercoaster for me, with working so much. I’ve also found out that some people…are not as helpful as they’re supposed to be. Some people don’t have a good work ethic, and I’ve found that out the hard way. I’m doing ok at work, but I get made fun of because I ask a bunch of questions (well, I want to make sure I’m doing things correctly), and because I struggle to do certain tasks. I really hate that…I do. I think I’m experiencing some serious burnout though…I’ve found myself extremely frustrated, having lashed out at coworkers a couple of times in the past, and very tired. But I know I need to work because I need the money, and because I would just be sitting at home most of the time anyway. Hopefully things improve…I need a break. =/

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