New Year’s Eve: 2018 Comes to a close

    New Year’s Eve is here. The final day of the year. The end of 2018. And what a year it’s been. There’s been good (I moved to Texas to live with my boyfriend after spending many years being in a long distance relationship), the bad (my maternal grandmother passed away at the end of August), but mostly good (I’m an aunt now because my sister had a baby in February, which I’m still trying to wrap my head around).
Personally, I’ve been dealing with some down moments in my life (financial issues, mental health issues, and just general stress daily). Being on the autism spectrum, I already have to work a bit harder to make it through the week without getting super overwhelmed by stuff. I mean, I’m better than I used to be in the past, but things like making phone calls, for example, is still difficult (I have this weird phone anxiety). I hope to improve with this in the new year and going forward.
On another note, I was pretty productive with artwork this year. I completed a total of 514 images this year. My most productive month was October, with 85 images completed, and my least productive month was August, with just 23 images completed (but I chalk that up to being busy with the move from South Dakota to Texas during that time). My goal each month is to complete at least 30 images per month, which is 1 picture a day. My record for most pictures completed in 1 month was 100 pictures done in a month (back in December a few years ago…which was insane and I don’t think I’ll do that much in a month again). I have a goal for 2019 to procrastinate less and complete the artwork in a more timely manner (usually I can finish a picture in 1-2 weeks, but sometimes it’s dragged on for a month or more, oops).
Also, a goal for 2019 is to get a job, because I’ve been out of work since August after moving, and I’ve had no luck (thus far) with finding employment here in Texas. I’ve been submitting applications left and right, but no leads yet. I thought I had one a couple months back, but I never got a call back, so that was disappointing. But I’m sure something will turn up soon (at least I hope so, otherwise I’m going to have a bit of trouble paying my bills…and I’d hate to beg for money).
Anyway, I guess to wrap this all up, I just want to wish everyone a happy and prosperous new year. And I will try to post something to this blog at least once a month, perhaps more if I have time. 🙂

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