1st posting for December

Alright, we have now entered the final month of 2018. Gosh, where has the year gone? It’s kind of like you blink and it’s suddenly the 12th month.
But anyway, the month has started out on an interesting note. I’ve been taking care of my boyfriend since last night, as he’s dealing with a case of food poisoning (possibly), and when he was hunched over the toilet, he strained his back so badly when his muscles tense, and has been in quite a lot of pain since. I’ve applied Icy Hot to him numerous times, but it seems to offer little relief. He at least took some Tylenol, but again, the pain is significant. He experienced a fever as well, but it broke overnight, which is good, because I don’t want to know what would have happened if it got too high. Hopefully he feels better and his back stops hurting so much.
I suppose I should be glad I haven’t gotten sick like that. We ate food from the same place, and yet he’s the one who got affected. I mean, I’ve dealt with food upsets in the past, but it didn’t get that bad. Ah well, I guess we won’t be eating at that particular McDonalds again…shame. I think we’ll stick to the McDonalds closer to home (I can walk there in about 10 minutes).
In other, nicer news, I got an Advent Calendar, and will be opening it one day at a time. When my bf and I were at this card shop about a month ago, I saw a Yu-Gi-Oh! themed Advent Calendar, and I asked him nicely to get it for me. The basic gist of this calendar is it has holiday themed cards. Which is pretty cool, I think. I can remember playing the card game with my younger brother back in the early 2000’s. I also used to watch the tv show (Yu-Gi-Oh!, Yu-Gi-Oh! GX, and also a bit of Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D’s) I also have seen 2 of the movies in theaters, which was quite entertaining. Anyway, the 1st card I got was this one called Ceremonial Bell. And it’s shiny, which is pretty cool. I can’t wait to see what other cards I get.
On an artistic note, I’m doing my December Sale winter themed commissions. So far, I’ve gotten an order for 3 pics with my reideer characters. I’m surprised that they’re as popular as they are. People especially like my gal Vixen, who is a reindeer/arctice fox hybrid. I guess people like her design. Later in the month, I will be doing my Winter Sale, which will feature my other winter themed characters. I have a polar bear character named Polia, which I derived from a stuffed bear my sister used to have when she was little (and it was also a white bear, so it made perfect sense to me at the time.) Her full name is Aurora Polialis, which is taken from the Aurora Borealis aka the “Northern Lights”. Pretty clever, huh?
Anyway, I hopefully will post a few more times during the month. I need to make sure my writing hasn’t gotten bland.

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